Hey Fam,
This Sunday, June 20th, we are celebrating Give Love 2021 at Restored Uptown!
This year, we are seeking to raise $135,000 for both relief for a family impacted by Covid-19, and gospel work in the nation of India across our five churches! Two years ago we raised over $140,000 for the team we sent to Northern Africa, and the year before that we raised over $100,000 to send Tom and Ebony Logue to plant Restored Temecula.
As usual, we encourage members of our churches to pray about how much the Holy Spirit has called them to give in accordance with the principle Paul lays out in 2 Corinthians 9:7 and then to give whatever that is, whether large or small.
That being said, you don't have to wait until Sunday, you can GIVE NOW! (click make a donation and be sure to select 'Give Love 2021' fund)
Lastly, thank you so much for your partnership with us in the gospel! Together we're planting churches, making disciples, and seeing people transformed as they discover who Jesus is and what He's done for them! We couldn't do this without your generosity, love, and support.
In His Grace,
Adam, Andy & Royce