The book of 1 Corinthians is a letter written by the Apostle Paul to a church he planted in Corinth (modern-day Greece). You can read all about the beginning of the church in Acts 18. The letter is written some time after Paul had planted the Corinthian Church and a lot of problems had started to spring up for these new believers. The church was struggling with division, unreconciled conflict, blatant sexual sin, questions surrounding marriage, divorce, singleness and spiritual gifts.
The beauty of the letter is that Paul shows them how every problem in their church from seemingly random issues like incest or speaking in tongues to more common ones like singleness and marriage can all be dealt with through the Gospel of Jesus. Paul’s faith in what God is doing through the Gospel in his calling and ultimately transforming this church into something beautiful is what keeps him from giving up on her. He sees this church through a Gospel lens, a lens sees a “beautiful mess” men and women who are so bad Jesus had to die for them and so loved that Jesus was glad to die for them.
Everyone is invited join our church family as we work our way through this profoundly deep, wildly practical, gospel drenched letter written to a young urban church in the middle of a secular culture just like us. A church made up of people who are saints and sinners at the same time, just like we are. A church that Jesus that Jesus died for, a church that Jesus loves, a beautiful mess like us.
If you missed Sunday’s sermon, “The Beautiful Mess,” listen to it here.