
During our Sunday gathering, Andy continued our sermon series, “Poured Out,” by teaching on how we can worship God through our finances. While giving of our finances is often a topic that makes us uncomfortable, he started the sermon by focusing our eyes on God, who is the model for our giving. God is the One who has given us everything we need by creating us and saving us through His sacrificial gift of His Son. We are not commanded to give in order to get God to love us, but we are enabled to give as we see and believe that God has already loved us perfectly and proved it through the cross of Jesus. His love for us frees us up so that we can serve Him instead of money.

Andy explained that the method of giving throughout the New Testament is generous stewardship. Paul tells the Corinthian church in 2 Cor. 9:7, “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” As Christians, we are called to give joyfully, sacrificially, and consistent. But more importantly than our method, our motivation must be the Gospel. It is only through seeing Jesus dying in our place can we ever truly give joyfully or generously. It is by seeing that Jesus joyfully endured the cross in our place that we can and get to surrender all things to Him, including our finances.

If you are a part of the Restored Church family, we cannot encourage you enough to worship God through your finances by giving joyfully, sacrificially, and consistently to the Gospel work through Restored Church. If you would like to set up recurring giving, please go here and sign up. If you missed the sermon, be sure to check it out here.

We are so grateful to see the grace of God over our church and we are excited to see how He is going to continually provide for us.