Invite a Friend to our 3rd Anniversary Gathering + Block Party Sunday!

Anniversary + Block Party!

This Sunday is one of our most important Sundays we've ever had as a church! We are celebrating our 3 Year Anniversary, Give Love to Restored L.A., the last Sunday with the Sarians and then celebrating right after with a huge Block Party! We would love for you to bring a friend as they will have the opportunity to hear the Gospel preached, see the church giving generously, and enjoy our family partying together! While we don't believe that Sunday gatherings are the only way our friends should encounter Jesus, we do believe this is a huge opportunity that shouldn't be missed.

If you are struggling with how to invite a friend, here are a few tips:

1. Pray
Ask God who He wants you to invite. If someone’s name comes to mind, it is safe to believe that God gave you that name. Because it certainly wasn’t Satan telling you to invite one of your co-workers to hear the Gospel preached.

2. Don’t be Awkward
Don’t be awkward about asking someone to join you on Sunday. The worst they could do is punch you in the face and say, “Don’t ever ask me again.” But the best case scenario is they show up, hear the Gospel, put their faith in Jesus and spend eternity with Him.

3. Make the Ask
This should go without saying, but you actually have to ask someone. Dropping a flyer in the bathroom and hoping someone will see it is not very effective. Say something along the lines of:
"Hey, I don’t know if you knew this, but I am a part of a great church and we are celebrating our 3rd anniversary and then having a huge block party with free food, drinks, music, and games. Would you like to go with me on Sunday?

4. Trust in Jesus!
Do you believe that your friend needs to hear about the unending grace and love of Jesus? If you do, asking them to join you on Sunday is worth the risk of an awkward moment. The good news of the Gospel is whether they say yes or no, Jesus’s love for you can’t change. He delights in you and all you have to do is look to the cross for the proof!

(Post the below image to Facebook/Instagram for friends to see!)


3 Year Anniversary Gathering

When: This Sunday (10.4) | 9AM - 10:30AM
Where: John Adams Elementary School (4672 35th St, San Diego, CA 92116)

Block Party

When: This Sunday (10.4) | 11AM - 3PM

Where: Adams Elementary PARK - Parking Lot / Baseball Field connected to Adams Elementary (4672 35th St, San Diego, CA 92116)