We Need Your Help to Paint, Pray & Financially Support Our Move!
This Sunday we previewed our move to the Sunset Temple in North Park and shared that there are three main parts to our move: the physical move, the spiritual preparation and financial support. Here's how you can get involved in each area:
Painting Days
We are planning to freshen up our new Restored Kids facilities at Sunset Temple and need your help! If you know how to paint or are down to learn, you can help us! Here are the dates and times for our painting days:
- this Sunday, October 16th - starting @ 12:00p (lunch provided!)
- Saturday, October 22nd - starting @ 9:00am
If you want to get involved please contact Abigail at (805) 444-7557 or via email at abigailm.lennox@gmail.com.
Prayer Meetings
We are going to host two prayer meetings, a prayer walk, and a full-day of prayer and fasting to spiritually prepare for our move. We'd love to have you join us at the Sunset Temple on the following days:
- this Sunday, October 16th - prayer meeting @ 12p!
- Saturday, October 22nd - prayer meeting @ 9:00a!
- Saturday, October 29 - prayer walk around North Park @ 5:30p!
- Saturday, November 5 - 24 hours of fasting & prayer.
If you want to get involved please contact Alicia at aliciapark@cox.net!
Give Love
We're planning a "Give Love" campaign on Sunday, October 23rd to raise $15,000 to help us move. This campaign will help us lay concrete, redo the floors, paint, do new lighting, and do everything else we need to get our space ready, especially our Kids space! It will also help us absorb the increased rent we'll pay at the Sunset Temple.
We're asking everyone who considers Restored home to pray and ask the Holy Spirit what He's calling you to give! If you would like to give before October 23rd, please click HERE to "Give Love"!
If you have any questions about Give Love please contact Jarek at jarek@restoredsd.com.
Thanks so much for your love, help and support during our move! We couldn't do this without you!