How to Finalize Your Giving Pledge!

Follow These Two Simple Steps to Set Up Recurring Giving Online!

Hey, family!

This morning we wrapped up our 5-week Giving series by making pledges for our ongoing monthly giving. We are grateful for what God has been doing in all of our hearts around this important topic. 

We wanted to follow-up with an email about how to follow-through with your pledge. Please follow the next steps below.


  1. GO TO, click "Make a Donation," & select "General Fund"
  2. SET-UP a new monthly recurring donation for the amount you pledged
  3. If this is your first time setting up a RECURRING donation, you are all set! Thank you!
  4. If you previously had a recurring donation, it was through our old system, so we will cancel your old donation and email you confirming this within 48 hours, to ensure you are not charged twice. If you do not receive this email within 48 hours, please send an email to

We would greatly appreciate if you follow-up on this within one week!  Thank you for your ongoing generosity and partnership in the Gospel!