It’s hard to believe but this October marks the fifth anniversary since we planted Restored Uptown! In those five years we’ve seen God touch hundreds of lives through the gospel and open doors for us to plant multiple churches to continue this great gospel adventure.
It’s been an incredible ride and we’re excited to invite you to celebrate with us on Sunday, October 8th. We’ve got a great night planned with dinner, drinks, and stories from 6:00p-8:00p and a legit DJ and dancing from 8:00p-10:00p!
Because of the significant cost of putting on this event we will have a cover charge of $20/person. However, we don't want anyone to miss this because of the cost, so if you can't pay for it, we want you to come anyway! Just email and we'll cover the costs for you.
Also, we won't have childcare for the party, but kids are welcome. This is like bringing your children to a wedding so please use your discretion and we strongly encourage you to get childcare if your children are under 4 years old.
Please RSVP HERE to register and pay!
Here are the full event details:
Date: Sunday, October 8th
Time: 6:00p-10:00p
Location: Moniker Warehouse (705 16th St. 92101)
Registration: $20, don't forget to RSVP
Childcare: No childcare provided, but kids welcome
We love you guys, can't wait to celebrate with you all!
In His grace,
The Restored Uptown Staff + Elders