Dear Restored Family,
When we originally made our reopening plans a few weeks ago, cases had gone down dramatically and everything looked like it was moving towards a full reopening. However, in the past week there has been a dramatic increase in COVID-19 cases in California. San Diego in particular is now on a watch list to observe as cases continue to increase. The latest announcement from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), which was released on July 1st, has updated some miscellaneous guidelines for religious gatherings. One being that musical worship and public singing is now banned.
As a leadership team, we felt that the wisest approach was to re-route and not have our in-person gathering this week as we had originally planned. Your safety is of utmost importance to us. Moving forward we will keep you updated as announcements from the state are made.
We will live stream the service at our original planned time of 5:00 PM and would still encourage you to tune into the entire gathering.
A recording of the live stream will be available on our website by the following day for those who are unable to watch it live.
There will not be GC Zoom meetings this week. However, an entire live gathering will take place with a sermon, announcements, offering talk, and musical worship. It should feel like the closest thing to a “real gathering” we have had in awhile.
We also still want to give your children a Kids Ministry experience, so we have provided a video lesson and activities for you to do with them tomorrow. The curriculum is already available on this webpage right below the live stream video.
With the direction that reopening is currently heading, it seems unwise to have a large centralized gathering even if it was outside. That being said this week we will be working with leaders from across our congregation to come up with a new Sunday gathering strategy that works for as many of you as possible. We are not currently planning on going back to the format that we have had the past three months (pre-recorded sermons and Zoom calls) as we know it has been harder and harder for folks to engage with it. A new strategy will be released sometime next week. We appreciate your grace and covet your prayers as we seek to lead in such an uncertain season.
That being said, for this Sunday we’re prayerful that as a family we can still encounter Jesus together even in the midst of these unique and challenging circumstances.
With Love,
The Restored Uptown Eldership Team