Responding to the Last Three Weeks of Preaching! β›ͺ πŸ“š

Hey Fam!

In light of the last few weeks of teaching, and as we each seek to live faithfully into Jesus' vision of sexuality, we thought it might be helpful to reach out with some follow-up ideas. We are all at different places in our journeys pursuing both relational and sexual wholeness that reflect God's original, beautiful design. That being said, we want to challenge you to continue to respond to the work the Holy Spirit might have begun or has continued to do in your life these past few weeks.

There are two ways we would like to encourage you to respond to what you have heard so far, PURSUE CARE and ENGAGE WITH CONTENT


If you are wrestling with things like pornography addiction, marriage struggles, or are realizing you may have been the victim of abuse in your past, please reach out to us for help confidentially at We will work to get you set up to meet with one of our pastors, staff members, or the licensed therapist we have on our team.


In addition to reaching out for care, we also recommend continued engagement with these topics by either re-listening to the sermon recordings, or picking up one of the recommended books below!

Recommended Content for Further Growth:

In light of the theme of the last few weeks, and what was shared we would recommend the following books to help you go deeper into these topics and to find practices to introduce into your life to help you to live as a disciple in our world in regards to these topics.

LGBTQ Resources
"A People to Be Loved" by Preston Sprinkle
"Why Does God Care Who I Sleep With?" by Sam Alberry
"Is God anti-Gay" by Sam Alberry

Theology of the Body/Gender Resources
"The Rise and Triumph of The Modern Self" By Carl Trueman
"What God Has to Say about Our Bodies" by Sam Alberry
"Love Thy Body" by Nancy Pearcey
"Embodied" by Preston Sprinkle

A Vision of Sexuality Resources
"Rethinking Sexuality" by Dr. Juli Slattery
"Sex in a Broken World" by Paul Tripp

Sexual Wholeness + Healing Resources
"Redeemed Sexuality" by Andrew Boa
"God, Sex, and Your Marriage" by Dr. Juli Slattery
"More Than a Battle" by Joe Rigney

Marriage Resources
"Sacred Marriage" by Gary Thomas
"The Meaning of Marriage" by Timothy and Kathy Keller
"Marriage" by Paul Tripp

Abuse Resources (Emotional, Physical, and Sexual)
"The Emotionally Destructive Marriage" by Leslie Vernick
"Is It My Fault?" by Lindsey Holcomb
"Rid of My Disgrace" by Justin and Lindsey Holcomb

Maybe you missed a Sunday, or maybe it was too much to process the first time around! Either way, you can re-listen or check out the sermons for the first time here...

A Vision for Sexuality (Link)
The Righteous Life: Freedom From Lust (Link)
The Righteous Life: Marriage + Divorce (Link)

We pray and hope these resources will be a gift to us as we seek to follow Jesus in and through every part of our lives.

Much Love,
The Restored Uptown Elders + Staff