Join us this Sunday (12.21.14) as we have the privilege of hearing from our good friend and church planter, Matt Larson. Matt is the lead pastor of Anthem Church in Ventura County, which is the church where Andy did his church planting residency before planting Restored Church. Matt has been one of the leading voices in our church by guiding and helping us lay a Gospel foundation.

Matt and his family, along with a few other families, started Anthem Church back in 2009. As the Lead Pastor, he is responsible for leading the Elder Team who guides the church doctrinally, shepherds the body and discerns where the Holy Spirit is taking the church, overseeing the teaching at Anthem Church, and provides vision and leadership for the overall direction of the church.

Matt has a passion for seeing Christian brothers and sisters live generous lives in light of the generosity of Christ. He will be continuing our Advent sermon series, “Hope Multiplied,” by looking at the call we have as Christians to live generously! 

Join us this Sunday as we gather as a church family to hear more about the grace of Jesus and the call he has on our lives. We will be taking our "Give Love" offering this Sunday, so please be praying about how you can contribute sacrificially! Invite your friends and family as we gather together and worship Jesus.


When: Sunday, Dec. 21st, 8:30 or 11 a.m.

Where: Adams Elementary School (4672 35th St, San Diego, CA 92116)