Sunday Sermon Recap – Hope Multiplied – Part 1

This past Sunday, we started a new Advent mini-series, “Hope Multiplied.” As we approach Christmas this year, we desire to be a church that hopes in Jesus alone and brings the hope of Jesus to others through our generosity! We are taking our “Give Love” offering this upcoming Sunday and are praying to raise over $15,000 to give away to our Restored South Bay Church plant and two social justice causes: Zoe International and ROLL Call.

Brad kicked off “Hope Multiplied” on Sunday by digging into 1 Timothy 6:17. “As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.” He showed us 3 main things: 1. We shouldn’t hope in money because it is uncertain and breeds arrogance. 2. We should hope in God because He is our ultimate provider and seeks our joy. 3. In light of our great hope in God, we can be generous with our finances. Join us on Sunday as we celebrate “Give Love” and give generously to bring the hope of Jesus to San Diego and the nations!

If you missed Sunday’s sermon, be sure to listen to it here: “Hoping in Our Redeemer Rather than Riches”