If you were with us this past Sunday you were certainly blessed by our good friend, Vince Larson who kicked off our, “Set Free” sermon-series. Vince preached out of John 1 and showed us Jesus’s encounter with some of his first disciples. He showed us how the life of all disciples is one where we are increasingly seeing Jesus, following Jesus, and sharing Jesus.
This Sunday, we are grateful to have our friend, Bert Alcorn, with us from Anthem Church in Ventura. Bert is currently a church planting resident at Anthem Church, which is the same church Andy did his church planting residency before planting Restored Church. Bert is in the process of planting a church in Ventura and has a team with him right now making disciples and living on mission there already. Bert received his degree at Eternity Bible College in Simi Valley, CA and blogs regularly at http://bert.is/
Bert will continue our “Set Free” sermon series this Sunday by looking at John 4. In this passage, Jesus heals an official's son. Jesus met this man where he was, and He meets us where we are, too. It will be a great Sunday to hear the good news of Jesus and see a glimpse of how Jesus continues to bless our church with Gospel partnerships with other local churches!