Sunday Sermon Recap – His - "The Gospel and our Sexual Past"

This past Sunday we continued our sermon series, “His,” which is focused on sex, romance, and our identity in Christ. The first week, Andy explained how the Gospel changes our view of sex from either “god” or “gross” to a “gift” from God. This past Sunday Andy preached on how Jesus can heal our past and present sexual brokenness; both the sinful decisions we have made and the sinful things that have been done to us.

While we have been looking at 1 Corinthians to inform our current series, Andy took us to the gospel of John to see how Jesus interacted with two different people who had sinned sexually and been shamed sexually. The first account was in John 4 where Jesus met a woman who had looked to men to fulfill her, yet was continually unsatisfied. Jesus offers her what no man had ever offered her, selfless acceptance leading to salvation and freedom. Only through faith in Jesus could this woman be fulfilled and no longer need to look to men to define who she was. And it is the same for us. Sex in marriage is a gift from God, but it cannot completely satisfy the deep longings in our soul for completion.

Then in John 8, we witnessed Jesus show incredible wisdom and grace with the woman who had been caught in adultery. While Jesus does not downplay her sinful choice, He offers her grace, which is the only source of true change. Most of us continue to feel bondage when it comes to sex and lust, but Jesus offers us grace that has the power to change us in our struggle. He is the one who doesn’t condemn us in our sin because He lovingly took on our condemned in our place on the cross. It is only by believing this beautiful truth that we can begin to live out His command, “Go and sin no more.” Jesus is our only hope when it comes to our sexuality. He alone can heal and restore us, so we look to Him alone to define and direct our lives.

Join us this Sunday at 8:30 or 11 a.m. as we continue our series with a sermon on “Sex and the Pursuit of Purity.” If you missed this past Sunday, be sure to listen to the sermon here: "The Gospel and our Sexual Past."