This past Sunday we continued in our, “His” sermon series that has been centered on how our identity in Christ shapes the way we view sex, marriage and romance throughout 1 Corinthians 6 + 7. Andy preached a shorter sermon explaining how singleness is a gift from God and can be used in a beautiful way to encounter Jesus more intimately and further His mission in different ways than married people can. Then Nicole joined Andy and shared her heart on the things Jesus has taught her as a single woman. They both did an incredible job pointing us to Jesus rather than principles for "surviving singleness," as is often taught. Married or single, it was a special Sunday that will be remembered. If you missed the sermon, be sure to check it out here: "The Gospel and Singleness."
This Sunday, Brad will be tackling the difficult and controversial issue of “Homosexuality and the Gospel.” The American Church and culture have been at war over this topic for decades and have done an incredibly poor job listening to one another or loving each other. Brad will be preaching from Romans 1 and 1 Corinthians 6 to help us see what God actually says about homosexuality and then he will address the many misconceptions that are believed in the church about men and women who are attracted to the same sex.
This will be a great Sunday to bring a friend who may have questions about Jesus, Christianity, or homosexuality. The good news of the Gospel is that we are all broken, but Jesus loves making us new. We will be showing a video testimony of a man who is a part of Restored Church and has been attracted to the same sex his entire life. It will be a helpful morning for those who are gay and for those who feel uncomfortable about the topic. We hope to see you there!
When: Sunday, Mar. 29th, 8:30 or 11 a.m.
Where: Adams Elementary School (4672 35th St, San Diego, CA 92116)