This past weekend we concluded our “His” sermon series as Brad preached on the topic of, “The Gospel + Homosexuality.” We have been preaching through 1 Corinthians and seeing how our identity in Christ shapes the way we view sex, marriage, and romance. Last week, Andy and Nicole taught on singleness and showed us how our identity is not in our marital status, but in our Savior. And this Sunday, Brad helped us see that the truest thing about us is not our sexual orientation, but what Jesus has declared over us at the cross, “…you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.” (1 Cor. 6:11)
Brad started the sermon with an apology to those who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or questioning on behalf of “Christians.” He then preached out of Romans 1 and showed us two important truths from the clearest text in Scripture on the topic. 1. Salvation through Jesus is for everyone who believes in Him regardless of sexual orientation. 2 Same-sex lust or behavior is sinful because it goes against God’s created will. The good news of the Gospel is that every human being is equally in need of grace and Jesus is willing to give salvation to all who trust in Him.
Brad then exposed the five most common misconceptions of homosexuality and showed how the Gospel applies to each misconception. Those misconceptions were:
- Homosexuality is the worst sin
- You must change before coming to church or putting faith in Jesus
- You cannot be born with same-sex attraction
- If you become a Christian, God will make you attracted to the opposite sex
- Same-sex attraction is sinful
He concluded the sermon by showing us how the cross of Jesus levels the playing field and should make Christians the safest people to confess to and struggle with sin because it exposes our own sinfulness, yet comforts us with Christ’s love. If you missed the sermon, be sure to listen here: “The Gospel + Homosexuality.”