New Church Plant: Restored South Bay in Chula Vista
New Gathering Time: 9 a.m. - Normal Heights - Adams Elementary School
New Series: "Living in Grace: Relational Practices for a Gospel-Centered Marriage"
As a church, we are entering a very exciting season that could be best summed up in the word, “new.” This upcoming season is a celebration of the new church plant we are launching in South Bay, our new gathering time in Normal Heights, and new sermon series in both communities!
If you have been with us over the last year, you have seen and heard quite a bit of Danny and Monique Quimlat. Danny has been doing a church planting residency with us for the last year and has gathered a team of about 60 people! They have been meeting as a church over the last 6 months and are launching with Sunday gatherings this Sunday down in South Bay at 5 p.m.! We cannot encourage you enough to come out and celebrate God’s grace and faithfulness as He continues to build and transform this community! They are launching their Sunday gatherings at 960 5th Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91910 – 5 p.m. – With a taco truck following for dinner! Please invite friends and family to join us for this huge evening with Restored Church South Bay!
The other big announcement is for those in Normal Heights! This past Sunday we announced that we are transitioning back to only 1 Sunday gathering at 9 a.m. at Adams Elementary School, starting this Sunday! Because we are sending about 60 people down to Restored South Bay, we will only need one gathering on Sunday in Uptown. It will also serve as a nice break for those who were serving in both gatherings each week as we continue to pray and seek where Jesus wants to plant our next church community. Please spread the word to all that we are combining our 8:30 and 11 a.m. gatherings to only one meeting at 9 a.m. starting this Sunday!
This Sunday at Restored Normal Heights, we kick off our 5-week sermon series on marriage titled, “Living in Grace.” We will spend 5 weeks looking at relational practices for a Gospel-centered marriage. This will be a rich series for everyone as we see how the good news of Jesus shapes and applies to marriage. Whether married, single, divorced, or widowed, join us as we hear how grace changes the way we are called to love one another. Invite friends and family who are looking for more in their marriage or desire to be married. The series starts this Sunday at 9 a.m. at Adams Elementary School in Normal Heights. We hope to see you there!
If you have any questions, please email Brad at