Ladies, Your Next Quality Social is Just Around the Corner!

Ladies! On Monday, May 23rd, you are invited to "A Splash of Wine & Fare" at Splash Wine Bar in North Park.  Bring a friend with you and sample different types of wine by the splash, glass or bottle, eat good food, and enjoy quality connect time with other ladies at San Diego's finest wine bar! Hope to see you at Splash! 

When: Monday || 5.23.16 || 6PM ||
Where: 3043 University Ave, San Diego, CA 92104

Click here to add to Google Calendar

You're Invited to Restored's First Ever Vision Night May 22!

Come Out for a Night of Vision, Worship, Prayer & Dreaming Together for the Future of Restored Church!

We are so excited to announce that we will be holding our first ever all church membership meeting in just a few weeks. Our South Bay and Uptown communities will be coming together for a night of vision, prayer, worship and dreaming together about the future of Restored Church and what Jesus might want to do in the next few years.

We will be meeting on Sunday, May 22 from 5-8 pm at Covenant Presbyterian Church in North Park. Food + Childcare will be provided, so we'll need you to RSVP during family time at the next three Sunday gatherings or by clicking this link.  We can't encourage you enough to sign-up if you are planning on being there.

We'd really like everyone who is a member or who considers Restored to be their home church to be there as we meet as a family. We know some of you will be out of town or working but if there is any way for you be there we are asking you to please clear your schedule and make this a priority! If you have any questions please feel free to contact a staff member or email

We hope to see you this Sunday as we continue our series in the book of Acts and explore what it means to be a holy church! 

When: Sunday || 5.22.16 || 5-8 PM ||

Where: 2930 Howard Ave, San Diego, CA 92104

Click here to RSVP

Click here to add event to Google Calendar

Sunday Sermon Recap - Hallowed Be Your Name

This past Sunday, we continued our "Life with the Father" sermon series as Andy shared that praying "Hallowed Be Your Name" is expressing a desire that the world would know God as He really is: beautiful, gracious, holy, and ultimate! 

We hallow God's name as we increasingly believe the truth of who He is, treasure Him in our hearts, and seek to live in a way that shows everyone how wonderful He is.  As we do that the world gets to see what He's like and can begin to hallow His name! 

If you missed it click on the link below to go to the audio of the sermon!

Also, our fall Gospel Communities are now underway and if you are in a group you will be going through a sermon-based curriculum based on our "Life with the Father" teaching series!  

This past Sunday we passed out copies of the full 7-week curriculum.  If you did not get a copy of the curriculum this Sunday, please visit this link to check it out:

Enjoy your time diving into who God is and what He's done this week in community and we'll see you this Sunday morning at 9:00a as we learn what it means for God's kingdom to come and why it's good news for us and for the world!

Where: John Adams Elementary School (4672 35th St, San Diego, CA 92116)

Check Out Our New Sermon Series & Gospel Communities!

This past Sunday we kicked off a brand new seven-part teaching series called "Life with the Father."  In this series we're going to look at how the Lord's Prayer leads us into an intimate, rich life with God the Father.  

In part 1 of our series Andy taught on the new reality that because of what Jesus did for us God is now our Father and He delights in us, His kids! Grace frees us from religious performance and allows us to enjoy intimacy with God as His beloved children!  

If you missed it click on this link to go to the audio of the sermon:

This past Sunday we also finished sign-ups for our fall Gospel Communities!  The Gospel Communities will begin a sermon-based curriculum this week based on our "Life with the Father" teaching series!  If you did not get a copy of the discussion questions this Sunday, please visit:


If you are interested in joining a Gospel Community but missed sign-ups please email!  


See you guys this Sunday morning at 9:00a as we explore two aspects of our new life with God: holiness and mission!

Where: John Adams Elementary School (4672 35th St, San Diego, CA 92116)

Invite a Friend to our 3rd Anniversary Gathering + Block Party Sunday!

Anniversary + Block Party!

This Sunday is one of our most important Sundays we've ever had as a church! We are celebrating our 3 Year Anniversary, Give Love to Restored L.A., the last Sunday with the Sarians and then celebrating right after with a huge Block Party! We would love for you to bring a friend as they will have the opportunity to hear the Gospel preached, see the church giving generously, and enjoy our family partying together! While we don't believe that Sunday gatherings are the only way our friends should encounter Jesus, we do believe this is a huge opportunity that shouldn't be missed.

If you are struggling with how to invite a friend, here are a few tips:

1. Pray
Ask God who He wants you to invite. If someone’s name comes to mind, it is safe to believe that God gave you that name. Because it certainly wasn’t Satan telling you to invite one of your co-workers to hear the Gospel preached.

2. Don’t be Awkward
Don’t be awkward about asking someone to join you on Sunday. The worst they could do is punch you in the face and say, “Don’t ever ask me again.” But the best case scenario is they show up, hear the Gospel, put their faith in Jesus and spend eternity with Him.

3. Make the Ask
This should go without saying, but you actually have to ask someone. Dropping a flyer in the bathroom and hoping someone will see it is not very effective. Say something along the lines of:
"Hey, I don’t know if you knew this, but I am a part of a great church and we are celebrating our 3rd anniversary and then having a huge block party with free food, drinks, music, and games. Would you like to go with me on Sunday?

4. Trust in Jesus!
Do you believe that your friend needs to hear about the unending grace and love of Jesus? If you do, asking them to join you on Sunday is worth the risk of an awkward moment. The good news of the Gospel is whether they say yes or no, Jesus’s love for you can’t change. He delights in you and all you have to do is look to the cross for the proof!

(Post the below image to Facebook/Instagram for friends to see!)


3 Year Anniversary Gathering

When: This Sunday (10.4) | 9AM - 10:30AM
Where: John Adams Elementary School (4672 35th St, San Diego, CA 92116)

Block Party

When: This Sunday (10.4) | 11AM - 3PM

Where: Adams Elementary PARK - Parking Lot / Baseball Field connected to Adams Elementary (4672 35th St, San Diego, CA 92116)

Ordination Sunday this Sunday!

This upcoming Sunday we have the wonderful privilege of having Chris Wienand preach and ordain two of our new elders! Chris is an apostolic father to our church and we are so grateful for the time, prayer, and love he has for us. He will be preaching on “Intimacy with Jesus” and then will ordain Danny Quimlat and Jarek Berga as pastor-elders with Restored Church. Both Danny and Jarek have functioned as elders for quite some time, but we are making it official by confirming what Jesus has done in these two men’s lives and ministry. This will be a combined gathering for both Uptown and South Bay communities at Adams Elementary School in Normal Heights at 9.a.m.!

Pastor-elders are men who lead, sacrifice, and protect the church family as fathers. Currently, we only have three elders; Andy Rodgers, Tom Logue, and Brad Sarian, but Danny and Jarek will be great additions to our team as we continue planting churches. Brad will be stepping out of local eldership in November as he and Sarah will be moving to start another Restored Church in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles.

Please join us on Sunday as we pray for and welcome in two men that we love and respect be officially ordained as elders!

When: This Sunday, July. 26th @ 9:00 a.m.

Where: Adams Elementary School (4672 35th St, San Diego, CA 92116)

Who: Both Uptown and South Bay Communities!


Why Nicole is Preaching Sunday

One of the churches that we partner with and look up to is Southlands Church in Orange County. Southlands Church is led by the godliest men I know and I love their passion for Jesus, pursuit of the Spirit, understanding of the Scriptures, heart for church planting, and their love for all people. As announced last week, we have the privilege of having our very own, Nicole Duprez, preach this Sunday! Here is an excellent blog Alan Frow, the lead pastor of Southlands Brea, wrote a couple of months ago before his wife preached.

"Why my Wife is Teaching Tomorrow"

Thursday was Rynelle's birthday. She's very easy to celebrate, and between our family and our friends, we did a pretty good job of doing that I think. In between the birthday celebrations  though, we spent a few hours discussing the theme of Redemption in the Book of Ruth. That is because she's teaching this Sunday. In fact, Jac Nethers, another of our elder's wives, is teaching too. I can't wait to hear what God says through them.

Now you may have a question about my timing. Imagine asking your wife to preach the week of her birthday?  To be honest, it's a very valid question to which I have no reasonable answer! But what if you had a bigger question about whether women should preach at all on a Sunday? Or conversely, perhaps you're asking why they don't preach more often? I want to try and thread the needle here and offer two reasons why we believe that women can teach on a Sunday, but are not the primary teachers at Southlands. One is technical and the other quite practical.

Firstly, I believe women can teach because we see more than one kind of teaching in the Bible. Teaching the Word of God to the people of God is a weighty matter no matter what the format, and Scripture clearly warns us that it's not for everyone. "Not many of you should be teachers, because those of us who teach will be more strictly judged." (Js 3:1) Moreover, Scripture also tells us that the job of teaching is primarily the realm of the elders, and not necessarily all of the elders."The elder who rules well is worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching."(1 Tim 5:14) So who teaches is not firstly an issue of men versus women, but of elder versus non-elder. The word teach here is Gk: didaskalia, which refers to the authoritative declaration of doctrine, direction or discipline, to stick with the D's!

However, this is not the only kind of teaching described in Scripture. For instance, Paul encourages the Colossian church in this way. "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom."(Col 3:16) He uses the variant Gkdidaskontes here which refers more broadly to instruction and practical knowledge, and this function is not limited to elders but addressed to the whole church. Many men use the difficult verse, "I do not allow a woman to teach or have authority over a man,"(1 Tim 2:12) as a reason for women not to teach in the pulpit, but again this refers to the first kind of authoritative teaching, not the second more broad sense.

When Priscilla and Aquila took Apollos into their home and taught him, Paul seemed to have no problem with a woman teaching a man, most likely because it was more instructional than correctional. "They explained to him the way of God more adequately." (Acts 18:24)  but we would do well to distinguish between governmental teaching by an elder, and instructional teaching by a gifted man or woman under the authority of the elders. More on this by Andrew Wilson here.

Secondly and more practically, I believe women should teach because the Church is the family of God, and a healthy family needs the voices of both fathers and mothers.

To be clear, as a church we are Complementarian in our understanding of the roles of men and women. Basically, Complementarians view men and women as equal in value but not interchangeable. See a more comprehensive unpacking of what this means by Gavin Ortlund here.

From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible shows that men and women have differing and complementary roles in both the nuclear and spiritual family, for the glory of God and the good of the family. A woman and a man reflect the image of God in different ways and these differences are essential and beautiful rather than oppressive and awful. In the nuclear family, a mother expresses an aspect of God's character in a way that a father doesn't. My children would have a lopsided view of God if I were their only teacher and Rynelle were not allowed to bring her wise and patient teaching to them.

It is the same within the family of God. All too often, churches give a Complementarian view as the reason why women should not teach in church. But I would argue the exact opposite. Being Complementarian is the very reason why women should teach at times, because they have something to express to us about God that men struggle to express, especially when it comes to His attributes of compassion, kindness, patience and humility. Now I know that there are those who would respond by saying that women can do this without teaching per se.  It is true that women  empowered to lead in worship, prophecy, prayer and exhortation can help to create a more holistic sense of family in the church, but where a passage or book of the Bible lends itself to a women's voice, we should be open to that in order to avoid a male-dominated view of God and His family.

We are poorer as a family if our mothers are seen and not heard. So I appeal to you to open your ears and your hearts to hear the word of God through two great mothers in our church family tomorrow.

To see more from Alan Frow, check out his blog at: Roots&Wings

Sunday Sermon Recap - "Living in God's Calling"

This past weekend we announced that Brad and Sarah Sarian will be moving up to the San Fernando Valley (L.A. County) to plant a church in December. On Sunday morning, Brad kicked off our "Christ & Culture" mini-series as we continue through 1 Corinthians. The main point Paul was explaining in 1 Cor. 7:17-24 was that God's call on our lives is not a mysterious puzzle to decipher, but a clear call to obedience, in context, with Him. As the morning unfolded, Brad explained how he, Sarah, and the elders have felt that God has called them to plant another church in the Northridge area in the next six months. While there were many tears, there was also plenty of excitement. We also announced how Jarek Berga will be stepping into Brad's role as a paid elder and how God has been creatively orchestrating the whole thing behind the scene this entire time.

It is always sad to see a part of the family move for the sake of the Gospel, but it is also a beautiful picture of what we see in Acts and has been our vision statement from the beginning, "To start a movement of reproducing churches empowered by the radical grace of Jesus Christ to love San Diego and glorify God."

If you missed the sermon Sunday, check it out here: "Living in God's Calling."

If you would like to read more about the Sarian's call to the valley, check out a great blog Sarah wrote here: "The Next Adventure."

Sunday Sermon Recap – "What is the Purpose of Marriage?"

This past Sunday, we began our first sermon series on marriage titled, “Living in Grace.” As we have been preaching through 1 Corinthians, we are taking the opportunity to spend longer periods of time on specific topics when we feel our church needs it. Throughout 1 Corinthians 6 + 7, Paul gives some practical advice on marriage in light of the Gospel, so we will be doing the same over the next several weeks!

Brad opened the series by asking and answering the question, “What is the Purpose of Marriage?” Marriage is one of the many things in the world where the effects of sin are seen most clearly. Many marry, but many divorce. The reason why most marriages struggle is because we don’t know the purpose of marriage and don’t have the power to fulfill the purpose. We started in 1 Cor. 7:10-16 and saw how Paul believed that we should do everything possible to stay married if we are married, but this practical advice is based on his understating of the purpose of marriage in Ephesians 5:31-33. The purpose of our marriage is to love and cherish our spouse in such a way that we reflect the Gospel of Jesus’s love and cherishing of His church to all. The only way we can be empowered to love, serve, sacrifice, commit and cherish our spouse is if we have experienced the love, service, sacrifice, commitment and cherishing of Jesus to us through His life, death, and resurrection.

If you missed the sermon, be sure to listen to it here: "What is the Purpose of Marriage?"

New Church Plant! New Gathering Time! New Sermon Series!

New Church Plant: Restored South Bay in Chula Vista
New Gathering Time: 9 a.m. - Normal Heights - Adams Elementary School
New Series: "Living in Grace: Relational Practices for a Gospel-Centered Marriage"

As a church, we are entering a very exciting season that could be best summed up in the word, “new.” This upcoming season is a celebration of the new church plant we are launching in South Bay, our new gathering time in Normal Heights, and new sermon series in both communities!
If you have been with us over the last year, you have seen and heard quite a bit of Danny and Monique Quimlat. Danny has been doing a church planting residency with us for the last year and has gathered a team of about 60 people! They have been meeting as a church over the last 6 months and are launching with Sunday gatherings this Sunday down in South Bay at 5 p.m.! We cannot encourage you enough to come out and celebrate God’s grace and faithfulness as He continues to build and transform this community! They are launching their Sunday gatherings at 960 5th Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91910 – 5 p.m. – With a taco truck following for dinner! Please invite friends and family to join us for this huge evening with Restored Church South Bay!
The other big announcement is for those in Normal Heights! This past Sunday we announced that we are transitioning back to only 1 Sunday gathering  at 9 a.m. at Adams Elementary School, starting this Sunday! Because we are sending about 60 people down to Restored South Bay, we will only need one gathering on Sunday in Uptown. It will also serve as a nice break for those who were serving in both gatherings each week as we continue to pray and seek where Jesus wants to plant our next church community. Please spread the word to all that we are combining our 8:30 and 11 a.m. gatherings to only one meeting at 9 a.m. starting this Sunday!

This Sunday at Restored Normal Heights, we kick off our 5-week sermon series on marriage titled, “Living in Grace.” We will spend 5 weeks looking at relational practices for a Gospel-centered marriage. This will be a rich series for everyone as we see how the good news of Jesus shapes and applies to marriage. Whether married, single, divorced, or widowed, join us as we hear how grace changes the way we are called to love one another. Invite friends and family who are looking for more in their marriage or desire to be married. The series starts this Sunday at 9 a.m. at Adams Elementary School in Normal Heights. We hope to see you there!
If you have any questions, please email Brad at