Volunteer Training & Prayer + Fasting Event on Nov. 5th!


Volunteer Training & Prayer + Fasting Event on Nov. 5th!

We are just one week away from our big move to our new gathering space at the Sunset Temple in North Park! We are going to have our first Sunday gathering on Sunday, Nov. 6th, so this week is our last week here at Adams Elementary!

We've got three big events this month that we want to invite you to take part in as the move draws near...

Serve Teams Training

In order to prepare for our move to the Sunset Temple in North Park, we are going to have a serve teams training on Saturday, Nov. 5 from 9:00a-12:00p!  If you are on any of the following teams we need you to be there: Kids, Hospitality, Environment, or Worship & Tech. The purpose of this training is to update you on how the move to North Park will impact your teams, so it's really important that you be there!

So if you're on one of those four teams, please go to the back during family time tomorrow and sign-up! You can also REGISTER HERE!

When: Saturday || 11.5.16 || 9:00a-12:00p
Where: The Sunset Temple, 3911 Kansas St, San Diego 92104

Click here to add Serve Teams Training to Google Calendar

24 hrs of prayer + fasting

On Saturday November 5th we're also going to have a 24 hour prayer + fasting event! We want to invite you to pray with others from our church for the move. God responds in mighty ways when His kids pray, so we want to cover this move in prayer!

If you are interested in taking part please go to the back during family time and sign-up for one of the twelve 2-hr time slots! We want to encourage you to sign-up with others, especially your GC, to pray together!

When: Saturday || 11.5.16 - 11.6.16 || 9:00a-9:00a
Where: The Sunset Temple, 3911 Kansas St, San Diego 92104

Click here to add Prayer + Fasting to Google Calendar

Vision Night on Sunday Nov. 13 from 4:00p-6:00p @ Moniker Warehouse!

Huge Announcement Coming at Vision Night on Nov. 13th!

Mark your calendars for Sunday, November 13th as we're hosting our next Vision Night from 4:00p-6:00p! This will be a time to pray, worship and seek Jesus together for what He wants to do in our church! We're also going to be making a HUGE announcement, so please do everything you can to be there! 

Please go sign-up in the back during family time so you can register, or REGISTER HERE

When: Sunday || 11.13.16 || 4:00p-6:00p ||
Where: Moniker Warehouse, 705 16th St, San Diego 92101

Click here to add event to Google Calendar

Help Us Paint + Pray Over Our New Space!

We Need Your Help to Paint, Pray & Financially Support Our Move!

This Sunday we previewed our move to the Sunset Temple in North Park and shared that there are three main parts to our move: the physical move, the spiritual preparation and financial support. Here's how you can get involved in each area: 

Painting Days

We are planning to freshen up our new Restored Kids facilities at Sunset Temple and need your help! If you know how to paint or are down to learn, you can help us!  Here are the dates and times for our painting days: 

  1. this Sunday, October 16th - starting @ 12:00p (lunch provided!)
  2. Saturday, October 22nd - starting @ 9:00am

If you want to get involved please contact Abigail at (805) 444-7557 or via email at abigailm.lennox@gmail.com. 

Prayer Meetings

We are going to host two prayer meetings, a prayer walk, and a full-day of prayer and fasting to spiritually prepare for our move. We'd love to have you join us at the Sunset Temple on the following days:  

  1. this Sunday, October 16th - prayer meeting @ 12p!
  2. Saturday, October 22nd - prayer meeting @ 9:00a! 
  3. Saturday, October 29 - prayer walk around North Park @ 5:30p!
  4. Saturday, November 5 - 24 hours of fasting & prayer.

If you want to get involved please contact Alicia at aliciapark@cox.net! 

Give Love

We're planning a "Give Love" campaign on Sunday, October 23rd to raise $15,000 to help us move.  This campaign will help us lay concrete, redo the floors, paint, do new lighting, and do everything else we need to get our space ready, especially our Kids space! It will also help us absorb the increased rent we'll pay at the Sunset Temple.  

We're asking everyone who considers Restored home to pray and ask the Holy Spirit what He's calling you to give!  If you would like to give before October 23rd, please click HERE to "Give Love"!

If you have any questions about Give Love please contact Jarek at jarek@restoredsd.com.  

Thanks so much for your love, help and support during our move!  We couldn't do this without you! 

GC Leaders' Commissioning + Sign-Ups this Sunday!

Join us this Sunday, October 9th as we celebrate the launch our Gospel Communities! GCs are small groups of men, women and children who are being transformed by the radical grace of Jesus together and want others to experience Him as well!  This Sunday we are introducing our Gospel Communities and giving GC leaders an opportunity to share their hearts for their groups.  

We also plan to commission the GC leaders into service on Sunday and then invite those of you who want to be in a GC to sign-up!  It should be a great Sunday for our church and we can't encourage you enough to come and be a part of it!  We hope to see you Sunday! 

When: Sunday || 10.9.16 || 9:00a

Where: Adams Elementary 4672 35th St, San Diego, CA 92116

p.s. if you miss sign-ups this Sunday we will have one more round of sign-ups on Sunday, Oct. 16th!  Feel free to email jarek@restoredsd.com if you have any questions!

We're Moving to North Park! Here's How You Can Help...

It's official: We're moving to North Park!

As we announced this past Sunday, we signed a lease to move to the Sunset Temple in North Park this fall!  We're moving right into the heart of North Park and we're excited that we'll be far more visible in our community and therefore able to make a deeper gospel impact in Uptown.

As you're probably all experienced, whenever a family moves it creates a need for every family member to sacrificially help in some way, whether its with packing, cleaning, moving boxes, or revamping the new space, just to name a few.  In the same way, we're asking everyone who calls Restored home to sacrificially help us make our move to North Park a reality!   

There are many layers to the move and we'll need a lot of help in every area, but the first need we want to bring before our church family is financial: we need help covering the moving expenses, room renovation costs, and the increased rent we'll have at the Sunset Temple! 

In order to do that, we're planning a "Give Love" campaign on Sunday, October 23rd to raise $15,000 to help us move.  We've done a "Give Love" campaign every year since we planted and they've involved our church giving generously towards a specific Kingdom cause, such as planting churches, supporting poor families in our neighborhood, and human trafficking rescue.  

This year, our Give Love will primarily support our move into the Sunset Temple. As you can see from the picture below, the main space at the Sunset Temple is great! The Kids ministry space is, however, gonna need some serious love as we'll need to lay concrete, redo the floors, paint, do new lighting lighting, the works! We have a plan to make the Kids space warm and welcoming for our kiddos, but it will require a financial investment and "Give Love" will help make that happen! 

With all that said, here's what we're asking everyone who considers Restored home to do:

  1. Pray - Ask the Holy Spirit what He's calling you to give and how He's calling you to serve during this transition. 
  2. Give - Click HERE to "Give Love"!
  3. Serve - Once we start sharing other moving needs, consider jumping in to help!  

Thanks so much family for partnering with Restored to reach North Park with the good news of God's grace for us! Much love! 

RSVP for Restored's Second Vision Night on Sunday, August 21!

We want to invite you to our second ever Vision Night on Sunday, August 21st! During our Vision Night Restored Uptown and South Bay will gather as one family to pray, worship and receive fresh vision for what Jesus wants to do in and through our church!  

Food + Childcare will be provided, so we need your RSVP (here) in order to prepare.  You can also RSVP on Sunday during family time! 

When: Sunday, August 21st, 5:00p-8:00p
Where: Location to be announced in the coming weeks

Click here to RSVP
Click here to add to Google Calendar

You're Invited to Restored's First Ever Evangelism Training!

On Saturday, August 27th all three Restored communities will be coming together for a Missional Conversation Training led by Beau Crosetto! Beau is the Director of Greek Intervarsity in Los Angeles and a gifted evangelist who loves to help people connect to and share Jesus right where they are. 

During the training, Beau will help you embrace a relationally bold approach to talking about Jesus and share five spiritual conversation principles that will help you move from fear to breakthrough in sharing the gospel with the people in your life! 

The cost is $10 per person at the door and we need your RSVP either online (link) or on Sunday during Family Time using the iPads in the back!  If money is an issue please let us know and we'll work with you, we want everyone to be able to come!  

When: Saturday August 27th @8:00a
Where: South Bay Baptist, 960 5th Ave, Chula Vista, CA 91911

Click here to RSVP
Click here to add event to Google Calendar

Join us for our Fourth Annual 4th of July Party at Golden Hill Park!

This year marks our fourth annual 4th of July BBQ at Golden Hill Park and if you have been in the past you know you won't want to miss it! We will be grilling burgers and hot dogs, playing football and spike-ball, hanging out, and watching the firework show. This is a perfect event to bring a friend as there's lots going on and a bunch of new people to meet!  We hope to see you there!

When: Monday || 7.4.16 || 3:00p-fireworks ||
Where: Golden Hill Park, Golden Hill Dr., San Diego 92102

Click here to add Restored's Fourth of July to Google Calendar

Restored Kids Needs 15 New Volunteers! Here's Why and What You Can Do...


As a church, we exist to welcome new people and help them experience the radical grace of Jesus. All of us who believe in Jesus were new at one point and we were welcomed in by other Christians so we could experience the radical grace of Jesus.  We want others to experience this same welcome!  

Why Kids ministry exists: One of the ways we do that is by providing a children's ministry we call Restored Kids so that parents can be fully engaged here while knowing that their kids are being cared for well.  Meanwhile, our kids get to experience the radical grace of Jesus through Bible lessons, good discussions, crafts and games in their kids community.  Our kids also get opportunities to develop friendships with each other and with our volunteer team!  

Restored Kids' greatest need right now: In the past year or so, we've had probably 1 out of every 4 volunteers on our roster step down as we've sent some to plant churches, others have given birth and had to take a season off, etc.  Our current volunteers have held down the fort and done a great job. But they need some help in the form of reinforcements! 

How you can help: We need 15 new volunteers to fully staff our Kids ministry.  By signing up, you'd be committing to serving once a once a month in Kids ministry, so you'd have one Sunday where you're back in Kids instead of in here.  

Here's the kind of people we think could step up and help us with this great need:

  1. If you're here and you love Restored church, what God is doing at Restored and you're looking to get more involved, this is absolutely for you. 
  2. If you love kids and especially if you love our kids and want to invest in their lives, this is for you.
  3. If you're a parent that drops kids off regularly but doesn't serve, then this is definitely for you: it's actually a requirement for parents who regularly drop kids off to serve in kids.  I can't think of a group that has more of a reason to invest in Kids ministry than parents, so please sign up! 

How we're going to help you: We want to help you transition into Kids so we're putting on a kids training on Sunday, June 12th right after gathering from 11:30a-1:30p, here at Adams.  We'll provide lunch and do a training with breakout sessions.  

This training isn't just for new volunteers but it's for existing volunteers too. We're rolling out a whole new structure for Kids, new roles for you guys, a new way to of doing scheduling, just a lot of new stuff, we've been working hard to make serving in Kids better and more fun, so there's a lot we need to update you on. 

How you can sign up: We'll have iPads in the back during family time during the next couple Sundays and you can go and sign up to join the team, or you can simply click here to sign up.  


What's at stake: We want to be a welcoming, inviting church in which people can experience Jesus. With your help, we can continue to welcome families with kids so they can hear the gospel as you serve our family sacrificially and experience the joy of pouring your life into the future of the church! 

Much love guys!

Sign up for Kids Ministry: here

Add training to Google Calendar: here

Vision Night Update: Location Change!

Hello family, we want to share an important venue change update for our Vision Night that’s coming up this Sunday night…

We were informed by our original venue that they encountered some unforeseen issues that make hosting our Vision Night impossible. However, we're glad to report that we were able to secure a new venue thanks to our friends at Paseo Del Rey Church in Chula Vista.  

Here is the updated address for our Vision Night: 900 Paseo Del Rey, Chula Vista, CA 91910.  

Apart from the venue change, the rest of the details remain the same; we're still starting at 5:00p and ending by 8:00p + dinner and childcare will still be provided.  Looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday Night! 

When: Sunday || 5.22.16 || 5:00-8:00 PM ||

Where: 900 Paseo Del Rey, Chula Vista, CA 91910

Click here to add updated Vision Night event to Google Calendar